The final programme, and pool lists (for those ages that need spiltting) can be viewed or downloaded so you can see or print the timetable prior to Sunday. If an age group does not need to be split then there is just one pool of athletes.

Your numbers will be available for collection, at the registration desk on the first floor behind the seated area, from 11:00 on the 5th. There are 2 numbers one pinned front & one back.

Please note that the venue have a car parking fee (£4.50 payable upon entry to the stewards) in place. It is possible to get on-street parking, but this may be some distance from the venue so please allow time to search for that and to walk to the venue.      Athletes who are in field events, which are timed to start at 12:00 must report at 11:30 as warm up and preparation will start then. The competition will start promptly at 12:00.

Please note that only stadium stadium blocks are to be used, and that athletes should not wear spiked shoes outside the track or seated area. They are not allowed on the tiled areas or toilet floors.

I look forward to seeing you all on the 5th, and hope that you enjoy the series.

Fixture 1, 5th November timetable and associated pool lists