Apologies to anyone who has been unable to get a number, but we have now sold all the available numbers

The file below shows the list of accepted individualĀ entries, received as at 10:00am on theĀ 11th Oct. There are further numbers available for those who wish to compete in only track events, but we can only accommodate 400 in the field events.

Thanks for the interest shown and entries. For information for those who have not competed before; I will send an email out to all those who have entered, about one week before the event, asking for confirmation of which events your athlete(s) plan to do. (This is not binding it is to enable me to plan the programme and timetable). Numbers will be available for collection at the registration desk at the first fixture from 10:00am.

The timetable and order of events will be posted on the web site a few days before the first fixture date, so they can be downloaded and printed should you wish to do so.

I hope you all enjoy the series, and look forward to another successful & enjoyable young athletes indoor athletics competition. 

Individual Entries now closed