The GP results file can be downloaded & viewed via the link below.

Unfortunately the final computerised results differ from those I manually calculated on the day for the U13 Boys. 

Can I apologise to Scott Nutter (whose single field event I missed on the day) as he should have won the GP award for his age group.

The earlier points table had errors for the U15 age groups. This has now been corrected.

The GP points results system is very complex and requires a separate Excel macro system to calculate the results. To use this system is the only real way to ensure correct results, but to do so would mean that the awards could not be done immediately after the final fixture. I should not have made the errors I did, but we were under-resourced on the day, and I was trying to do too many things.

I plan to issue an additional award to Scott, rather than try and recover and re-allocate the awards made on the day.

The certificates should be issued sometime in April, directly to the SY clubs for their athletes. Anyone not with a SY club, should send a C5 SAE to 92 Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, Doncaster DN4 7BQ.

Once again apologies for the errors. We do need more volunteer admin assistants if we are to be adequately resourced, and to allow time to get the GP results right first time.

Steve Gaines

GP results file 2013/14