Many thanks to the competitors, parents, officials and volunteers who were able to manage to get to the venue, despite the grim driving conditions that were encountered in South Yorkshire this morning.
Thanks for the many emails that were sent to me this morning, either confirming that some people could simply not get out of their street / area, or asking me to confirm if the event was definitely on; which I was unable to reply to – as I was driving through some fairly challenging conditions to try and get to the stadium, as I had received no confirmation that the stadium was open or closed. On arriving I discovered that the stadium was open and that we would be able to offer some competition, but were not sure how many officials we would have, or even how many athletes woul be able to get to the event. In the end we had around 60% of the declared athletes compete
We could only manage to staff two of the four field teams that we should have had if all 280 athletes had been there, but (again ) thanks to the many volunteers who helped make it all work.
The provisional results file can be viewed or downloaded below; Please advise of any errors or omissions, so we can check and correct those prior to sending the results file to Power of 10, and updating the GP awards system to confirm the age group award winners. Note: The errors /omissions in the 60m results have now been corrected (6th Jan). Incorrect athlete error in the U15 Boys shot corrected 8th Jan.
The driving conditions for everyone’s return journey should have been better than the morning drive there, and we hope that all got home safely, and that all enjoyed the days athletics.